Ancala secured top ratings from the UNPRI, the leading organisation which promotes sustainable investment, in its latest assessment of our approach to sustainability.

Ancala is committed to contributing towards a sustainable future. We enable infrastructure companies to make the world a better place while delivering their value creation plans.

In the 2023 UNPRI assessment, Ancala received the following scores:

  • Policy, Governance and Strategy: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Direct Infrastructure: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Confidence Building Measures: ★ ★ ★ ★

The first two categories recognise Ancala’s overall approach to sustainable investment in infrastructure companies. The new Confidence Building Measures category relates to the review and verification of sustainability data.

The UNPRI is a globally recognised initiative that encourages investors to incorporate ESG factors into their decision-making processes, promoting long-term value creation and responsible corporate behaviour.

Ancala has been a UNPRI signatory since 2018. We incorporate sustainability at every phase of the investment cycle, from screening an opportunity through to exiting an investment. Our team continually assesses ESG opportunities and risks at each portfolio company to understand where the most impact can be achieved. We then develop and deliver on bespoke ESG targets which are aligned with each company’s value creation plan.

In the past year, we have delivered several initiatives that contribute to a sustainable future. These include:

  1. Enhancing outcomes: We have worked closely with management teams to enhance outcomes in areas including climate change, decarbonisation and energy transition, cybersecurity, health and safety and the cost-of-living crisis. We have also supported portfolio companies in navigating the ongoing shifts in national and international regulatory environments.
  2. Ancala Growth Fund: We announced the close of our £551m Growth Fund, our second fund that is aligned with SFDR Article 8 disclosures. This fund provides new investment to Portsmouth Water, Leep Utilities and Biogen. These companies are playing key roles towards resolving pressing issues such as the energy transition and water security.
  3. Decarbonising operations: We have progressed various initiatives to reduce the carbon intensity of our portfolio company operations. In particular, several of our portfolio companies have secured planning consent for on-site renewables, including Dragon LNG and Liverpool Airport, and in some cases have completed installation.

Filipa Fonte, ESG Manager at Ancala, commented:

“Our role as an active asset manager paired with our deep industrial experience positions us perfectly to drive and implement ESG improvement plans at portfolio companies which create value. The latest UNPRI scores further demonstrate the rigour of our approach to sustainability.

“We are continuing to enhance our sustainability activities, particularly through the application of new data-led technologies. I’m looking forward to communicating what Ancala and our portfolio companies achieve in the year ahead.”

You can find out more about Ancala’s approach to sustainability and some of the impactful initiatives our portfolio companies have delivered in our latest ESG Report, here.

More information on the UNPRI and its reporting can be found here. Ancala’s UNPRI Transparency report can be accessed here, selecting ‘Ancala Partners’ as the signatory, and then 2023.


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