Any data, including any environmental, social and/or governance data, that has been collected and disclosed by Ancala Partners LLP is intended to be an information tool for institutional investors.

Any such data should not be considered to be investment advice and should not be relied upon for making investment decisions. Data has been collected without taking into account the particular circumstances, objectives or financial position of any particular person or entity. Recipients are expressly warned that they must carry out their own due diligence and should form their own assessment and take independent professional advice on the merits and risks of any investment and the legal, regulatory, tax and investment consequences and risks of doing so.

Any data provided (which may contain estimates, models based on assumptions, forward-looking statements, projections, valuations, benchmarks and/or investment performance calculations) has not been audited or independently verified. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results to be materially different to those expressed or implied by those statements. Projections, estimates, valuations, benchmarks and/or investment performance calculations may be based on subjective assessments and assumptions; they may also use or be derived from particular models or methodologies, when possible alternative models or methodologies exist that might produce different results. Where past performance is disclosed, this is not a reliable indicator or prediction of future performance and should not be relied on. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Ancala Partners LLP collects data from portfolio companies and other third-party providers which may be sourced from or based on proprietary models and/or methodologies of such portfolio companies and/or third-party information providers.

All reporting of data has been done based on good faith and using good market practices to ensure sufficient data quality. However, neither Ancala Partners LLP nor any of its personnel makes any representation, or gives any warranty, in each case express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, reasonableness, completeness or correctness of any data which it provides. Ancala Partners LLP does not provide assurance on any data provided by portfolio companies or third-party data providers.  Data provided by portfolio companies may include the use of assumptions and estimates (which may or may not be provided to Ancala Partners LLP), and/or may be prepared using different methodologies from those Ancala Partners LLP uses.   To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Ancala Partners LLP nor any of its personnel shall be liable (including for negligence) for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage, cost or expense arising out of or in connection with any person’s use of or reliance on any data provided by Ancala Partners LLP.